Community Service: The Fuel for a Brighter Happiness

Many people avoid community service for various reasons. Here we learn how it changes everyone for the better.

Sweet! A new weekend with plenty of time to do something! But what should I do?

If you happen to be in a position like this often, then you should strongly consider doing some community service.  Even though service doesn’t seem productive or have you end up with a clean house, it is a exquisite way to start a weekend. Nowadays, finding and scheduling community service is almost easier done than said. (Check this link to find service near you! ) Not only is community service something to do to get out of the house, it creates a good feeling inside you. While doing service, you see the world through a different perspective, and you understand how lucky you are.



A weight of sorts lifts off your shoulders because you sacrificed your time for someone else’s well-being after completing service. Anything done afterwards (sleeping, watching TV, eating) feels earned because you just changed someone’s life (and maybe yours!). Go out and experience it today! Take a friend or a group of friends and help someone less fortunate than you. Many service jobs are fun and easy, and often there is plenty of time to socialize with your friends. All in all, service projects make you feel amazing, give you something to do, help you bond with friends, and change someone’s life for the better.

Author: slidersquared

Hi, I'm just your average teenage boy trying to navigate life without messing up too much. Strap on your seat belts because we're going who knows where.

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